In world economic history, 2022 will go down as the year in which Central bank According to a newspaper article, he had to try to redirect his monetary policy and reduce runaway inflation. Economist.
they have not only been US Federal Reserve (Fed) and European Central Bank (ECB) Central banks that have initiated the process of raising interest rates: this is generalized across the planet with some jurisdictions, such as Brazil or CanadaEven after initiating the process of raising rates before the US institution, given the fear of Fed movements. Brazil did so in March 2021, while Canada began the process last March, days before the Fed.
You can read: Central Bank raises its monetary policy rate from 7.25 to 7.75% per annum
Exceptions are countries such as China, Japan and Turkey. The rest are in the process of raising rates, which experts expect to continue in the coming months.
Within the group of countries that make up the G20, adding other economies such as Norway,
Denmark or Sweden, which are going to raise interest rates the most for the remaining five months of the year, are Argentina in first place, Mexico in second place and Australia in third place.
The first is the country which now has Highest interest rate in the whole listOver 51%, and the consensus of analysts believes they will be forced to rise to 53.7% between now and December.
This is an exorbitant rate, but it is adjusted for the difficult conditions that the country’s economy is going through, one of which is suffering the most from hyperinflation in the world with an annual rate of 64% last June.
Mexico is second Which will increase rates the most between now and December, if forecasts are met, and will go up to 9.45% from the current 7.75%, an increase of 145 basis points to reduce inflation which has risen to 7,99% Year after year.